St Raphael's Fund — The London Oratory

The St Raphael’s Fund exists for the training and support of our novices and students. Each Oratory is independent and has to support itself. So in order to continue the work of St Philip Neri in London, we rely entirely upon your help. We have to cover both the Seminary fees and the day-to-day expenses that come with housing and feeding novices and students.

The Fathers say a Mass once a month for our benefactors and so your generosity is rewarded by our prayers. Let us pray that through the intercession of Our Lady and St Philip, God will continue to call men to us so that His work here may continue to prosper, both now and in the years to come.

Contributions may be delivered to Oratory House. Please make cheques payable to “The London Oratory Charity” with a note explaining that your contribution is for St Raphael’s Fund.

You can also make a contribution by bank transfer to:

Account Name: The Oratory
Sort Code: 60 04 04
Account Number: 18192947

Please add your surname and first name as a reference, to help our bursar.

You can also make a donation online here.

If you are a UK taxpayer, you can enhance your donation by 25% with Gift Aid (forms are available here).

May Our Lady and St Philip reward you for your generosity.