Safeguarding — The London Oratory

The Oratory is TOTALLY committed to THE safeguarding OF VULNERABLE GROUPS within its community. All volunteers HAVING PERSONAL CONTACT WITH CHILDREN AND WITH ADULTS AT RISK are required to undergo a DBS clearance in accordance with diocesan guidelines.

Reporting abuse

If you are concerned about the welfare of a child or adult at risk, do not delay in contacting the police, using 999 if a child or adult is believed to be in immediate danger.

It is the policy of the Catholic Church in England and Wales to report all allegations of abuse to statutory authorities, regardless of whether the abuse occurred recently or in the past, or whether the accused person is living or deceased.

If you are in any role within the Catholic Church in England and Wales, you must refer allegations directly to the safeguarding office for your diocese or religious congregation, or directly to the Police.

If you are a member of the public, please refer allegations directly to the police and also to the safeguarding office for the Diocese of Westminster, telephone 020 7798 9352, or email

The Oratory Parish Safeguarding Representatives are Mr David and Mrs Antoinette Campbell
Telephone: 07511 214 535

For more information, visit:
Diocese of Westminster Safeguarding
Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service