Mass Intentions — The London Oratory



There is a long and venerable tradition in the Catholic Church that the faithful ask their priests to celebrate Holy Mass for particular, specified intentions. This custom, which was well-understood in generations past, is increasingly being forgotten. Since the practice is of immense spiritual benefit to both the living and the dead,  and because it also helps to support your clergy, we would encourage you to request that Masses be offered for your intentions. The following questions provide more information about this custom. 

Why have intentions at Mass?

Holy Mass makes present the mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection. There is no greater prayer, because the Mass is the perfect offering of the Son of God to his heavenly Father. In offering Mass for a specific intention, the priest prays God that the fruits of Christ's redemptive sacrifice be applied to the requested intention, for the spiritual and temporal good of the person(s) concerned.

Who can offer up an intention at Mass?

Any Catholic may offer up the Mass which he or she attends for any good intention. At Mass you are free to associate your prayer with the intention of the priest, or you are free to offer up participation at the Mass for any number of personal intentions.

How is that different to the priest’s intention at Mass?

The ordained priest has a particular role as mediator between God and humanity. In offering the sacrifice of the Mass, the priest acts in persona Christi capitis, that is, in the person of Christ the Head of the Mystical Body, which is the Church. Thus special graces may be obtained when the priest applies Holy Mass to a particular intention.

Why is there only one intention for each Mass?

The Mass has an infinite value so there is no limit to the number of intentions that can be offered. The Mass is always offered for the good of the whole Church, but it can also be applied to a particular intention. The Church has strict laws that limit the priest to only accept a single stipend (donation). Thus, the priest's particular intention for each Mass will reflect the request of a single donor, whether this request is made on behalf of one or more people.

For whom can Mass be offered?

Mass can be offered for anyone, or any number of people, living or dead, with some exceptions. They do not have to be Catholics, but the offering must not cause scandal to the faithful, and it must not be for an intention that offends against Christian sentiment. You can also ask for Mass to be offered for a “private intention” if you do not want the recipient known.

What happens to the stipend? How much is it?

Offering a stipend for a Mass intention is a way of contributing to the upkeep of your priests. It is a donation, but our diocese recommends a minimum of £10. If you want to have a Mass offered for a particular intention, come to speak in person to the duty priest at the Oratory House:

Monday-Friday: 9.30am-12.00pm; 3.00pm-5.30pm.
Saturday: 9.30am-12pm; 3.00pm-5.30pm.

Holy Souls Masses

There is a box at the back of the church labelled “Holy Souls”, where you can make an offering for Masses to be celebrated for the faithful departed.