Books of Oratorian Interest — The London Oratory

Following the favourable reception in 2009 of the publication of the translation of Father Agostino Manni’s Primordia Oratorii, we are pleased to announce that further titles of Oratorian interest are now available, through the same online publishing facility, either in printed form, or as downloads.  Click here for the Storefront.

The current list of titles, to which additions will be made as time permits, is as follows:

Little Daily Office of the Heart of Saint Philip

Print: £7.00

Download: £5.75

This volume contains a Little Daily Office, intended for private use only, of the Heart of Saint Philip. The texts are derived from the office composed in the nineteenth century by the Fathers of the English Oratories for the secondary feast of Saint Philip proposed by them, that of his heart, which sadly failed to gain papal approbation.

Officium Cordis Sancti Philippi Nerii

Print: £7.00

Download: £5.30

This volume contains the full texts of the draft office for a secondary feast of Saint Philip, composed in the nineteenth century by the Fathers of the English Oratories, who were endeavouring to foster more public devotion to the heart of Saint Philip, which was, as is well known, miraculously inflamed by the Holy Ghost while he was praying in the catacombs on the Vigil of Pentecost. The grant of the feast was not forthcoming, but this document is an important insight into nineteenth century English Oratorian spirituality and thought.

Devotions to St. Philip Neri

Print: £7.00

Download: £4.90

A collection of Prayers and Devotions to Saint Philip Neri, the founder of the Congregation of the Oratory. This is a small devotional work.

The School of Saint Philip Neri

Print: £16.00

Download: £6.75

This major work by Father Giuseppe Crispino, a Neapolitan secular priest of the 17th century, covering all aspects of Oratorian spirituality and life, was originally translated by Father Faber in 1850. This new edition, in which Father Faber's High Victorian prose has been somewhat tempered to render it more accessible to the modern reader, also includes translations of the Latin quotations, which Faber left untranslated in his text.

Primordia Oratorii - The Beginning of the Oratory

Print: £9.50

Download: £6.00

The author of this little work, Father Agostino Manni, was a friend and companion of Saint Philip. He wrote this account of the origin of the Oratory, and of its earliest practices, at the beginning of the 17th century, shortly before the Constitutions of the Congregation of the Oratory were approved. Unedited at the time of his death, it was recently translated from a later manuscript copy in the library of the London Oratory, and provides a valuable insight into the Oratorian ethos and way of life.


All these works may be obtained from LULU Books.