Offering — The London Oratory


We have installed two cashless Giving Stations at the back of the Oratory, so that you can easily use your credit or debit card or smartphone to make donations to support the running of our church. You can use these machines every week to make your regular contribution, or simply to make one-off donations. On special collection days, they can also be used to support particular appeals. In addition to the two fixed machines, we also have a number of portable Giving Stations, which our collectors will make available at the church exit doors, particularly on special collection days.

To use the machines, simply choose an amount to give, and tap your card or smartphone on the card reader at the top of the box. If you want to specify a custom amount, select “Choose your own amount”, enter the amount you wish to give, and proceed to tap as usual. You can alternatively insert your card into the top of the reader and enter your PIN on the keypad.


If you are a UK taxpayer, the Oratory can recover, through the UK Government’s Gift Aid scheme, an extra 25p for every £1 you donate – at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid can be applied to all donations you make using our contactless machines, but you will need to register for this, either at one of the machines, or by making an offering online.

To make an offering online, click the button below, select an amount, and after entering your card details, you will be offered the opportunity to register for Gift Aid. Every subsequent donation (and all past donations) made using the same payment card, will then have Gift Aid automatically applied.

The Oratory very much depends on your contributions, and we thank you in advance for your generosity.


Our contactless donation system uses the SumUp payment processor, an industry-standard platform used to handle payments in businesses and restaurants across the world. If you register for Gift Aid, your registration details will be used only to enable the Oratory to reclaim the tax on your donations.