Confirmation — The London Oratory

Classes will start in the autumn to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation in the following year. If you are interested for your child, please complete the application form, which is available below, and return it to Fr Rupert McHardy at Oratory House.

Confirmation Application

Audio Catechetical Talks

Below is a collection of 16 talks on various aspects of the Catholic Faith, given by Daphne McLeod, a Catholic teacher and apologist. The talks are based upon the English Penny Catechism. Each talk is approximately 35-40 mins in length.

1. Almighty God.
2. About Ourselves.
3. The Fall, Original Sin & The Promise of a Redeemer.
4. The Blessed Trinity.
5. The Incarnation & The Redemption.
6. Sanctifying Grace & Baptism.
7. Jesus’ Life & Teachings.
8. The Church & The Bible.
9. About Prayer.
10. The Mass & The Blessed Sacrament.
11. The Moral Law & The Sacrament of Penance.
12. Our Blessed Lady.
13. The Sacramental System & The Other Four Sacraments.
14. The Communion of Saints.
15. The Four Last Things.
16. Ecumenism.


The below series of talks was produced by Fr Hugh Thwaites, SJ.

A Catechism of Christian Doctrine, Part 1
Fr Hugh Thwaites, SJ
A Catechism of Christian Doctrine, Part 2
Fr Hugh Thwaites, SJ
A Catechism of Christian Doctrine, Part 3
Fr Hugh Thwaites, SJ
A Catechism of Christian Doctrine, Part 4
Fr Hugh Thwaites, SJ
A Catechism of Christian Doctrine, Part 5
Fr Hugh Thwaites, SJ
A Catechism of Christian Doctrine, Part 6
Fr Hugh Thwaites, SJ


The below series of talks was produced by Fr Hugh Thwaites, SJ.

The Rosary, Part 1
Fr Hugh Thwaites, SJ
The Rosary, Part 2
Fr Hugh Thwaites, SJ
The Rosary, Part 3
Fr Hugh Thwaites, SJ
The Rosary, Part 4
Fr Hugh Thwaites, SJ
The Rosary, Part 5
Fr Hugh Thwaites, SJ
The Rosary, Part 6
Fr Hugh Thwaites, SJ