The Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, better known as Brompton Oratory, is home to the Congregation of the Oratory of St Philip Neri in London, a community of priests living under the rule of life established by its founder in the sixteenth century. The Oratory also serves as a parish church in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster.
The Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, better known as Brompton Oratory, is home to the Congregation of the Oratory of St Philip Neri in London, a community of priests living under the rule of life established by its founder in the sixteenth century. The Oratory also serves as a parish church in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster.
There is a priest on duty at the Oratory House from Monday to Friday 9.30am–12pm & 3pm–5.30pm, and on Saturday 9.30am–12pm & 3pm–5.30pm. He should be contacted in person for all enquiries regarding Baptisms, Marriages, Mass intentions, house blessings etc.
4.30pm Sundays. Little Oratory. Fr Tabarelli
(For non-Catholics)
8.00pm Tuesdays. St Joseph’s Hall. Fr Tabarelli
7.45pm Wednesdays. St Wilfrid’s Hall. Fr Doyle
The Oratory Outreach Programme aims to bring to London the work of St Philip Neri, the sixteenth-century founder of the Congregation of the Oratory. When St Philip arrived in Rome in 1534, he soon saw that one way to draw others to follow Christ more closely was by sending them out to assist the needy in Rome. He himself often went out on missions of mercy to help those whom, by divine guidance, he knew needed aid. By these means and by his preaching, St Philip became known as the Second Apostle of Rome.
By volunteering through the Brompton Oratory, you commit to a dual role: giving your time to those in genuine need and doing so as an ambassador for the Catholic faith and for the Oratory. This will be a chance to witness to the truth of our faith by concrete deeds of love. Following St Philip’s lead and after assessing the situation we have established some main areas to concentrate on.
Many of our friends kindly say how much they admire our musical tradition, which following the tradition of St Philip Neri is meant to assist the raising of mind and heart to God. On some great feasts this is accompanied by an orchestra or by period instruments. This was possible through a generous gift some years ago. Unfortunately this sum has now been exhausted and we need financial assistance if this is to continue. This is not a concert but a part of the worship of God, giving Him glory and praise. Although the Carol Service was well attended and supported we are also still in need of financial support for this popular preparation for Christmas.
The London Oratory is internationally recognised as one of the outstanding custodians of sacred music in the Catholic tradition. Solemn Latin Mass and Vespers are celebrated on all Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation in the year. In particular, the great liturgies of Christmas, Holy Week and Easter attract packed-out congregations.
To serve the liturgy the Oratory Fathers have fostered a unique musical establishment, comprising three separate choirs plus a professional music staff.
Masses and other services regularly performed with choral and organ music:
6.30pm Benediction (Oratory Junior Choir)
6.00pm First Mass of Sunday (London Oratory School Schola)
10.00am Family Mass (Oratory Junior Choir)
11.00am Solemn Latin Mass (Choir of the London Oratory)
3.30pm Solemn Latin Vespers (Choir of the London Oratory)
All holydays of obligation:
On the eve 5.30pm Solemn First Vespers (Choir of the London Oratory)
On the day 6.30pm Solemn Latin Mass (Choir of the London Oratory)
Born at Florence, Italy, 22 July, 1515; died 27 May, 1595. Philip's family originally came from Castelfranco but had lived for many generations in Florence, where not a few of its members had practised the learned professions............
John Henry Newman was born in London on 21st February 1801, the eldest of six children of London banker. He grew up in the Church of England. As a teenager he experienced a deep religious conversion and resolved to........
Frederick William Faber (1814-1863) was the founder, under Newman, of the London Oratory. Faber and a small group of Newman's disciples came from Birmingham to London in 1849. They began their community ...........
For first impressions of the London Oratory Church click here.
A comprehensive walking tour is available on the app Rambl. Just download the app on the App Store or on Google Play and search for @londonoratory. You can also scan the QR code on the posters at the church entrance.
For first impressions of the London Oratory Church click here.
A comprehensive walking tour is available on the app Rambl. Just download the app on the App Store or on Google Play and search for @londonoratory. You can also scan the QR code on the posters at the church entrance.